Xbox One February Update Goes Live Today: Boot Progress Indicator, Improved UI and More

After delays, the system update has begun to roll out.

After delays and a certain lack of information, Microsoft’s Xbox One system update for February is now beginning to roll out today.

The February update will add a few new changes, including the ability to manage and view your storage space. You’ll also be able to control your install lineup and manage downloads, with My Games and My Apps now being segregated into two separate lists. USB keyboard support has been added, the battery power indicator for your controller is now back on the home screen and there’s an improved UI for accessing messages, Party Chat and Achievements.

You can also pick the content that you want to load first. Major Nelson stated that the new boot progress indicator would allow you “better track updates while they load”.

What are your thoughts on the overall changes? Let us know in the comments below. Another Xbox One system update is planned for March so stay tuned.

Major NelsonMicrosoftupdateXbox One