Xbox One March Update Available To Download Today

Nothing too major, but all appreciated nonetheless.

This month’s update for the Xbox One is now available to download for everybody, Major Nelson announced on his blog. As with all recent Xbox one updates, it’s a pretty minor one- which is something you expect when an OS has been updated and patched as much as the Xbox One firmware has been. At this point, most major flaws have been fixed, and Microsoft are instead working on plugging in the small holes.

This new update, as a result, doesn’t bring anything big with it to the table. What it does bring are some smaller fixes that a lot of fans will doubtless appreciate. These include:

  • A fix for analog stick behavior on the Xbox One Elite controller;
  • The ability to include your Party Chat in your Twitch broadcasts;
  • An update for the Xbox Accessories app on Windows 10, which now includes a page displaying the current firmware version, battery status, and other details about the controller.

You can download this update starting now. Meanwhile, Preview members are doubtless already looking forward to getting their hands on whatever April’s update has in store for them.

MicrosoftXbox One