Xbox One Preview Program Now Allowing Invitations Again

At least you can send out invites again!

Microsoft’s Xbox One Preview Program, which allows users to essentially beta test future functionality coming to the console in the form of firmware updates, has been rather popular- so popular, in fact, that Microsoft was forced to restrict access to it after they ended up getting more members than they anticipated. No new members have been allowed in since September. But now, Microsoft is finally opening up the program to new members again.

At the very least, members who are already in the program can now invite other members- invitations until now had been closed down entirely. And while getting an invitation is not a guarantee of entry, it’s still a step up from where the program stood just last week.

Are you in the Xbox Preview Program? Do you generally have no problems with the pre-release, unstable states of firmware updates that Preview members usually get access to, at least at first? Let us know in the comments.

MicrosoftXbox Onexbox one preview program