Xbox One Sales Up 15% Year on Year

The Xbox One X gambit has paid off.

Microsoft has released an update on the state of the Xbox One of late, and it includes a rare reference to the console’s sales performance- after Microsoft stopped sharing sales numbers for Xbox One entirely a few years ago, switching instead to Monthly Average Users.

According to Microsoft, Xbox One sales are up 15 percent over the same period last year- this is significant, because it indicates that Microsoft’s gambit with the Xbox One X has paid off (according to the NPD Group, Xbox One X is the primary driver of revenue growth in the US sales market at the moment). This, coupled with the launch of a major exclusive on Xbox One this year with Sea of Thieves, indicates that there is life in the Xbox brand yet- now we just need Microsoft to continue putting out more exclusives, and maintain their excellence in services.

With E3 coming right up (we’re just a month away from it now!), we should see some updates on both those fronts soon enough.

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