Xbox One Scorpio Won’t Have A Launch Lineup In The Traditional Sense, Phil Spencer Says

'Scorpio needs to prove itself.'

The Xbox One Scorpio is launching later this year- and given the diminished state of Microsoft’s first party lineup right now, there is the question of just what kinds of games Microsoft will use to try and push the system. Any new system needs content that demonstrates why it is worth a purchase- and traditionally, that content has been games exclusive to it.

With the Scorpio being what it is, however, things will be a bit different. Speaking to IGN’s podcast Unlocked, Xbox boss Phil Spencer discussed how the Scorpio won’t have one showcase title, or even a traditional launch lineup- but how Spencer understands the importance of content in pushing a new console anyway.

‘I think that Scorpio has to prove itself as a powerful console through a large array of content,’ Spencer said. ‘For people who think that there’s some massive AAA game sitting in my back pocket that I haven’t announced yet that I will at E3 and ship it this Fall- it could happen. I am very confident in the quality of the games that we’re launching that I’ve seen. When people see Scorpio, they’re going to see a demonstrable difference between that and the games they are playing now on any console. And I know content has to show that. So I do think it’s a little different than a traditional console launch, where you have to launch, say, five games on day one. I told the team I don’t want to do that, because it’s a part of the family of the same systems, every game on it will be playable on Xbox One, Xbox One S, Scorpio, and frankly on Windows 10 as well. So it’s a little bit different, but I know content has to be the thing that we use to demonstrate the capability of the box.’

What might these games be? Hopefully not just better versions of multiplatform titles, or already announced Xbox One games. Surprise us with something new, Microsoft! Xbox One Scorpio launches this Holiday season.

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