Xbox One to Windows 10 Streaming: This Is How You Unlock The ‘Very High Quality’ Mode


Xbox One to Windows 10 streaming is now officially a thing available to everybody, thanks to the public launch of Windows 10. Now, a Reddit user is reporting to us that it is possible to enjoy it with an even better picture mode than the default settings allow for- and all it takes is one simple tweak.

Note: for the purposes of the instructions that follow, we will assume that you installed Windows 10 to the default C:\ drive.

Simply navigate to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Packages\ and then locate the folder starting with “Microsoft.XboxApp”. From there, find the ‘userconsoledata’ file, and open it using Notepad. Find the line with the ‘IsInternalPreview’ variable, and change ‘false’ to ‘true.’Save and close the file, restart the Xbox app, and voila- you now have extremely sharp visual fidelity for your Xbox One to Windows 10 streaming.

The Windows 10 streaming is part of Microsoft’s initiative to have a larger ecosystem, comprising of their phones, tablets, Windows 10 PCs, Xbox One, and all of their various services.

Thanks, Digital Foundry.

Microsoftwindows 10Xbox One