Xbox One Will Have ‘Play While Downloading’ Feature

Something similar that the PS4 already has.

If you’re unaware, Microsoft revealed that on their upcoming console, the Xbox One, even disc-based games must first be installed in the system hard drive before playing. This policy was implemented in an attempt to reduce piracy. In essence, the hard drive installation acts as a secondary security measure, meaning one needs either the installation and the disc to play a game, or the installation and an approved digital download “unlocker.”

Still reeling from their E3 debacle, Microsoft has held press conference after press conference announcing planning changes to previously released console features. The most recent development, in an attempt to pacify players angry with the installation policy, is “play during download” feature.

Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like.

Instead of having to deal with the frustration of waiting for games of ever-increasing size to transfer content onto your hard drive before playing, players will be able to dive right into the game mid-installation. A thoughtful move on behalf of Microsoft which, unfortunately, will likely be taken for granted by its user base.

Is this enough to make up for the previous Xbox One policies in your eyes?

Source: Polygon

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