Xbox One X Is Its Own Thing And Not A Half Step Or A New Generation, Says Microsoft Exec

Bold words from Microsoft.

The Xbox One X is undoubtedly like nothing we’ve ever seen before in the video games consoles market. Rather than following the strict pattern of generations that we’ve been following for decades, Microsoft have chosen to launch a mid-cycle upgrade to their already existing console, one that is not just another SKU, but one that isn’t a completely new mid-cycle system like the Nintendo Switch is either.

So what exactly is this system? Not a new console, but not a minor upgrade either, but what exactly? That is exactly the question, exactly the concern that Microsoft’s Albert Penello, Senior Director of Xbox Console Marketing, was asked recently in an interview with What’s Good Games, and Penello is of the opinion that it’s not as big of an issue as some people are saying it might turn out to be.

Penello says that other than the consoles market, there is a wide variety of consumer choice in all other markets, and when consumers are faced with the same choices after the launch of the Xbox One X, they will be able to figure out whether or not they wish to purchase what the system is offering without much issues. He, in fact, likens it to buying cars or phones.

“It’s its own thing,” he said. “It’s a new thing. That’s what I think is cool about it. If you step outside the console, people are faced with choice on literally everything in life. Why is there a 4 cylinder, a 6 cylinder, and an 8 cylinder if you’re a car guy? Why are there 2 washing machines? Why are there phones that are a different sizes? Most people figure out what their value is for what they want to spend. It’s only consoles that have lived in this very fixed, singular consumer electronics mode, and that’s why I don’t think it’s going to be as confusing for people as the industry is making it out to be. I think people will be able to figure out where they care about tech, where they are with price, and what is important to them with gaming. They’re going to be able to make a decision.”

The Xbox One X launches early next month worldwide. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage on all things Xbox.

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