Xbox One X Is Performing “Phenomenally”, Says NPD Analyst

It has apparently led to an unprecedented turnaround for the Xbox One at this point in its life cycle.

Xbox has done better this year than it has in years, and surely a lot of that comes down to the launch of the Xbox One X last year, which revitalized the console, and made it appealing to a segment of the market again. And indeed, responding to a query on Twitter, NPD analyst Mat Piscatella noted that the Xbox One X is “performing phenomenally”, with performance of the Xbox One family overall up year on year in the United States so far this year.

The Xbox One X has helped buoy the Xbox One overall so much, in fact, that Piscatella notes that the Xbox One family has seen the highest year on year growth of the three consoles so far in the United States.

Piscatella also noted that this phenomenal performance is not mutually exclusive with the Xbox One not being the market leader, pointing out that the kind of turnaround the Xbox One has seen at this juncture in its life is not something that has been observed before.

This isn’t the first time we have heard something like this—a retailer in UK also claimed that the Xbox One has seen the most growth year on year a few months ago, and it makes sense that that trend also replicates in the US, which is traditionally Xbox’s strongest territory.


MicrosoftNPD GroupXbox Onexbox one x