Xbox One X Will Have 70 Enhanced Games Available At Launch

That's a pretty good amount.

There will be no such thing as an Xbox One X exclusive, but games for Microsoft’s super powered Xbox One console will still be enhanced to take full advantage of its hardware and extra power. These games will be Xbox One X ‘enhanced’- and apparently, a staggering 70 of them will be ready to go for the console’s launch.

Speaking on Twitter, Microsoft’s Albert Penello confirmed that number; that said, he did clarify that ‘at launch’ doesn’t necessarily mean November 7, but rather, launch ‘week’ (since specific enhancements come via game patches, and when those game patches go live is not entirely in Microsoft’s control).

That said, 70 enhanced games in the first week is still a huge number, and it is a testament to how Microsoft has generally been able to rally far more support for the Xbox One X from developers than Sony managed for the PS4 Pro. How things unfold from here on out will be interesting to see.

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