Xbox Scorpio’s True Power Could Be Exhibited By 2018 and 2019 Games, Says Analyst

You might not get the full benefits of the Scorpio's extra power right away.

The Xbox One Scorpio is slated to be the most powerful console ever made when it finally releases later this year- but how much of its power will actually be exhibited in a meaningful way? This is a question that has haunted us at GamingBolt for quite a while now, and one that we have attempted to ask a lot of the developers that we have had the chance to chat with.

According to Michael Goodman, an analyst at Strategy Analytics, however, fans may have to wait until next year, or even the year beyond that, before the Scorpio’s true power becomes apparent. Speaking to We Write Things, Goodman noted that “It is the third or fourth generation titles that really should be able to show the difference. My expectation is that the launch titles on Scorpio aren’t going to be that much more amazing than what you can find elsewhere. It is going to be a year or two down the road when you should start to see the true capability of the platform.’

This, of course, makes sense, and has historically been true for any new hardware. So while this prediction in and of itself isn’t all that wild, the larger question still looms- given Microsoft’s mandate for intercompatibility and parity with the original Xbox One, as well as the larger cumulative install base of the PS4, PS4 Pro, and Xbox One, all of which are far weaker systems- will many third parties actually bother to harness all the extra power the Scorpio has to offer meaningfully? Or will we be stuck with slightly prettier ports of the exact same games, and that’s it?

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