Xbox Series X Optimization Badge Explained In New Trailer

A badge of honor on your boxart, I suppose.

The time is slowly, but surely, creeping up on us of the next generation consoles. Both Sony and Microsoft have unveiled their systems (though both are apparently terrified to reveal the price, since we still don’t know it less than six months out). Both are doing their marketing in their own way, and it seems Microsoft really wants to lean into the power aspect, as well as the crossgen features. One thing people noticed on some early Xbox Series X boxart was a little badge saying ‘Optimized for Xbox Series X.’ Now, Microsoft has a little trailer explaining what that’s all about.

The brief trailer highlights games coming to Xbox Series X, either as crossgen or only next gen that will have the badge. As you’d imagine, it’s basically telling you that the Xbox Series X is the best best to play, citing the best next generation graphics, framerates going up to 120 FPS, as well as ray tracing technology. Of course, most of that will also probably be true of the PS5 in a lot of cases as well, but hey, it’s all about the marketing in the end.

It’s not clear right now if this is something they plan to continue as the generation goes on or will gradually phase out once crossgen stops being a thing. But if the rumors about Lockhart end up being true, it would also make sense since even Xbox titles not on PS5 would still have an optimal version. That is probably a year or two away however, so we’ll have to wait and see on that.

MicrosoftXbox Series X