Xbox Series X/S – Quick Resume Currently Disabled on Some Games, Microsoft Working on Fixes

Some Series X/S launch titles don't support Quick Resume yet.

The Xbox Series X/S’ Quick Resume feature has been heavily advertised in the lead up to the two consoles’ launch, and while their SSDs and other impressive hardware specs (especially in the Series X’s case) have been the headline grabbing improvements, Quick Resume’s ease of use and convenience cannot be overstated.

And while the feature is compatible with thousands of games right now, some titles are facing issues with the same. Recently, director of product management at Xbox, Jason Ronald, took to Twitter to that some games optimized for the Xbox Series X/S at launch are facing issues with Quick Resume, and as such, Microsoft have disabled the feature with those particular games.

Ronald says that fixes are currently in the works, and once they’ve been tested and implemented, the feature will be brought online on those titles once again. No timeframe is given as to when we can expect those fixes to go online, but hopefully it shouldn’t be too far off in the future.

Quick Resume can allow users to suspend 4-6 games simultaneously and quickly switch back and forth between them, while that number can go even higher depending on whether or not you’re playing backward compatibility titles. Meanwhile, impressively enough, Quick Resume retains your suspended games even if you unplug your console.

The Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are out now across the world.

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