Xbox Series X Will Have Microsoft’s Most Diverse First Party Lineup Ever, Says Phil Spencer

He also has strong feelings about the launch lineup.

We’ve now seen both Microsoft and Sony’s next generation consoles, and both are set to release this holiday season. Sony had their big showcase for the system last month, and now Microsoft is having their go at it later this week. While we have some idea what we’ll see, such as Halo Infinite, there’s still a lot in the air. Whatever it is, one man seems pretty impressed with what the Series X will bring.

In an extensive interview with Polygon, Phil Spencer talked in length about the lineup for the Xbox Series X. He, first off, said he had a strong feeling about the launch lineup for the system. But then talked about the overall output of what to expect as time marched on. Pointing to the massive amount of studios that the company now owns, as well as the backlog that Game Pass will allow access to, he proclaimed that the next Xbox system will have “the most diverse collection of first-party games that we’ve ever had.”

“I honestly think we’re in the best launch lineup position that we’ve ever been on Xbox,” Spencer said. “When I think about the strength and depth of the games that people are going to be able to play day one on Xbox Series X — not only because of [backward compatibility] — and the way that Game Pass really allows the total cost of ownership of our console, I think is a real strength.”

The Xbox Series X Games Showcase will take place July 23rd, so we’ll get to see first hand just what this diverse collection of titles will look like in the system’s beginning years.

MicrosoftXbox Series X