XCOM: Chimera Squad Trailers Highlight Each Agent’s Backstory

The latest trailers focus on Patchwork, the Operator, and Cherub, the Warden.

Firaxis Games’ XCOM: Chimera Squad is out this week after rather sudden reveal recently. Taking place after XCOM 2 – but not sequel or expansion – the game sees an inter-species force working to preserve peace in City 31. You’ll have a team of 11 agents to tackle missions and each has their own unique abilities.

To highlight each agent’ background and origin, Firaxis has released different profile videos. The latest ones focus on Patchwork and Cherub, the former being an Operator who received cybernetic prosthetics as a child. The latter is a Warden, a Clone Hybrid meant to serve ADVENT but lacking purpose when the Psi Network was destroyed.

More agent profile videos will be coming before release so stay tuned. XCOM: Chimera Squad is out on April 24th for PC and makes several changes to the series’ standard formula with the removal of permadeath and Breach Mode, which determines your approach in missions. Currently, the title is 50 percent off until May 1st so keep an eye on it in the coming days.

2k gamesFiraxis GamespcXCOM: Chimera Squad