Yakuza Kiwami Will Launch on Steam on February 19

Sega shares the release date of the next PC Yakuza game in a typically whimsical way.

With Yakuza 0 already being available on PC, Sega will now be bringing over Yakuza Kiwami, the excellent remake of the original game that expands the story, and adjusts the continuity to account for Yakuza 0, to the platform as well. A GIF posted on Yakuza Kiwami’s Steam page reveals the date of release in the absolute final frame (as spotted by Meta Council)—and the date is February 19.

It’s a really whimsical way for them to reveal the release date, but it’s right in line with the extremely wacky antics that the series is often known for in any case. February 19 is a good date for the game to launch on, in any case, and gives you over a month to save up for it.

Given that Yakuza Kiwami was cheaper than 0 on PS4, and that 0 was a budget priced release on PC to begin with, I suppose we can expect Kiwami to be pretty cheap too, though this is just speculation on my part. Now, Sega, confirm Yakuza 6 for PC too…

pcps4SegaYakuza Kiwami