Yooka-Laylee Is The Long Awaited Spiritual Successor to Banjo Kazooie

A 3D platformer not by Nintendo, and it doesn't look crap? Sign me up!

Playtonic, a developer that consists primarily of ex-Rare veterans, has long been teasing something it has been working on- Project Ukulele, a new 3D platformer which is meant to be a spiritual successor to the Banjo Kazooie games on the Nintendo 64.

Banjo Kazooie was one of the most successful 3D platformers of its era, and one of Rare’s breakout IPs. Under Microsoft, the franchise has largely squandered (though Rare and Microsoft did release Nuts ‘n’ Bolts for the Xbox 360, it was far from the traditional Banjo Kazooie game that so many wanted).

Yooka-Laylee, which is the final name of Project Ukulele, seems to be different, according to the preliminary reveal done on IGN. It promises to be a throwback to the N64 heritage of the developers, and a true 3D collectathon platformer in the vein of the best of the N64.

Playtonic will be announcing a Kickstarter to fund the game tomorrow, and we will get more details then, so stay tuned for that. As of right now, we know the game is being planned for Wii U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Banjo KazooieKickstarterpcplaytonicps4Rarewii uXbox Oneyooka-layle