You Can Play Street Fighter V At CEO 2015

Go hands on with Capcom's next generation fighter next month.

Attendees of the Community Effort Orlando event this year will be treated to something special (in addition to being surrounded by other passionate fighting game enthusiasts, that is)- they will get the chance to get an early hands on with the next installment of the fighting game genre’s poster boy. That’s right, Capcom will be bringing Street Fighter V to Florida for CEO 2015, and everyone who attends is open to come and try it.

This marks the first time that the game will be playable to the gaming public- so far we don’t know just how limited the demo will be, but it’s not entirely unreasonable to expect that it will be limited solely to the stuff that we know about. Of course, it is possible that Capcom uses the demo and CEO as a pad to make further announcements regarding the game.

The CEO Tournament will be held from June 26th to 28th, in Orlando, Florida. Street Fighter V, meanwhile, is due out next year on PC and PlayStation 4. Stay tuned for more coverage.

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