You will not have to pay for Call of Duty

Treyarch and Infinity Ward have come together to quash the rumour that Call of Duty will be heading to a pay-to-play subscription plan.

Infinity Ward developer and community manager tweeted;

“For the record, nobody has to pay to play COD or MW2 multiplayer, nor will they.”

This was followed up by a message from Josh Olin, Treyach community boss and developer behind the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops.

“No, you will not have to ‘Pay to Play’ #CODBlackOps Multiplayer either. Rumor -> Squashed.”

This contradicts the video leaked onto Youtube yesterday, which appeared to show a subscription plan for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, payable by Microsoft Points.

However, the statements do not mention anything about the next generation of the first person shooter.

Famous last words?

call of dutyInfinity WardpaysubscriptionTreyarch