2017 Declared ‘Year of Scorpio’ By Microsoft Execs

Sounds like they're pretty excited about it.

2017 promises to be a major year for fans of video games, with not one but two new brand new system launches lined up for this year. And while Nintendo are being typically inscrutably quiet about the Switch until the January 12/13 event that will shed more light on the system, Microsoft are going all in on hyping Scorpio, due for a launch in the Holiday season this year.

Speaking on Twitter, multiple Xbox executives and representatives dubbed 2017 the ‘Year of Scorpio.’ “It is 2017, the year of PROJECT SCORPIO, are you ready for the beast!?” Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg exulted, while Josh Stein posted, “Welcome to the year of the Scorpio! Are you excited,” before throwing in GIF of everything trembling as the dinosaurs move in from the original Jurassic Park movie.

So… yeah, needless to say, Microsoft is fairly excited about the Scorpio. I am too, conceptually, though I have many questions about the system that remain to be answered- and until they are, I will remain more reserved with my hype for it.

MicrosoftXbox OneXbox Scorpio