Alien: Isolation Trailer Proves That It is Indeed Hunting You

If you didn't know that already.

Survival horror fans, hear me now. Fans of perhaps the greatest creature ever put on screen, I beg you lend me your ear too. Some new footage has been revealed today for The Creative Assembly’s Alien: Isolation, suitably titled “It’s Hunting Me”. It shows you what you can look forward to in the game when it launches in early October.

As you’re now no doubt aware, your best course of action when you come face to face with a Xenomorph (unless of course you’re the OG Mrs. Ripley) is to haul ass and hide somewhere, literally anywhere. It’s not like anywhere is safe but it’s better than standing around.

Sega seem to be going all out with the advertising and promoting of this game, and from what we’ve seen (and what some of us have played) it really is a great experience.

Alien: Isolation releases on October 7th worldwide for the PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC.

Alien: Isolationpcps4SegaThe Creative Assemblyxbox 360Xbox One