All Games With Xbox Gold Titles Going Forwards Will Be Backwards Compatible

So, twice the number of games for Xbox One owners every month!

Microsoft confirmed and reiterated its commitment to backwards compatibility for Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One in a big way at Gamescom this year, when they confirmed that all future Games with Gold games for the Xbox 360 will be automatically backwards compatibility enabled on the Xbox One going forward. This means that Xbox One owners have four games to look forward to every month now, instead of two- an effective way of countering Sony’s PS+, which often sees each individual platform get as many as six games, because of Cross Buy.

Backwards compatibility for the Xbox One launches this November, with a full 100 games being available to everybody at launch- major publishers, including Square Enix, Bethesda, and Ubisoft are on board, meaning we should see the bulk of the Xbox 360 library make it over to the Xbox One unscathed.

For those who are still holding out? Let’s hope they come around eventually.

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