AMD Users PCs Bricked By Spectre And Meltdown Fix, Microsoft And AMD On The Case

AMD users can hopefully expect help soon.

Spectre and Meltdown are security issues that made vulnerable almost all modern devices to hacking. Of course, something so serious saw most software companies rush to get a patch out to keep their users safe. However it seems that in the mad dash, Microsoft didn’t get a ton of QA time to make sure people running AMD hardware would be able to enjoy their PCs.

As those AMD users accepted those Windows updates, their PCs began to brick completely, with issues such as blue screen crashes and other problems. Unable to even restart their machines to fix them, Microsoft finally pulled the patches from some of those systems, admitting that the update had been the cause that has been throwing AMD under the bus. Microsoft states on their website that some AMD chipsets don’t match up with what documentation was provided to Microsoft, which caused the incompatibilities with the fixes.

The issue of Spectre and Meltdown is still something of concern however, as it has many potential risks such as personal information being vunerable. Microsoft is working hard with AMD to figure out the problems, and Gamingbolt will be here when they do.
