Amnesia Dev On Whether Xbox Scorpio’s Power Could Be Put To Any Meaningful Use Despite Parity Mandate

"There is still a lot to be done."

The Xbox One Scorpio is going to be the most powerful console ever made- Microsoft have shouted that fact from the rooftops to ensure that we get it, and at this point, we do. But even knowing that, the simple fact that Microsoft mandate parity with standard Xbox One systems does raise the question of whether or not that power can ever be put to good use.

According to Thomas Grip of Frictional Games, who have brought us the excellent SOMA and Amnesia: Dark Descent, and who are currently working on the Amnesia Collection for PS4, there is still a lot that that power can be put to use for, even if gameplay parity is mandated.

“I think there is still a lot to be done,” Grip said, in an interview with GamingBolt. “As long as the biggest difference for a more powerful machine is not in gameplay-related stuff (such as map collision RAM use), then you can easily tweak. For instance you can make simpler lighting, and so on. This is what you do for most PC Games already.”

Thoughts on Grip’s comments? Let us know in the comments section below.

amnesia: dark descentFrictional GamesMicrosoftxbox one scorpio