Anthem Demo Has “Super Different” Balance, No Tutorials – BioWare

There will only be one story arc to play through, as per executive producer Mark Darrah.

The VIP access demo for BioWare’s Anthem will be starting on January 25th, offering EA/Origin Access subscribers and pre-order consumers an early chance to try out the game. We’ve heard quite bit about how the demo is a “specific build”, with “minor things” being fixed for the main game. However, on Twitter, executive producer Mark Darrah decided to outline the core content differences between the demo and full game.

The demo starts in the middle and won’t provide any tutorials. Players also can’t choose their pilot of choice, so they’re stuck with the default Freelancer provided. Darrah also noted that the “balance is super different” and also that the “economy is completely different”. He also made sure to note that the demo has “6 weeks less bug fixes”.

There’s only one story arc, and Darrah believes that the balance between missions, Strongholds and freeplay will “be off a bit.” PC players will have to deal with “slightly less nuanced” controls – Darrah later clarified that flight with a mouse has improved since the last beta. Finally, some things have been renamed “for clarity” in the final game.

Anthem is out on February 22nd for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Those who can’t try the VIP access demo needn’t fret – a free demo will be available to all players from February 1st to 3rd.

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