Anthem Dev Claims Reveal Trailer Is Still Representative of Actual Current Gameplay

Also gives some interesting lore-related details.

Anthem may not be the game we usually expect BioWare to make, but when the game was revealed at E3 2017 with footage that looked truly astounding in every sense of the word, people were understandably impressed. The question, since then, has remained whether the vertical slice that was shown off was truly representative of what the final product is going to be like- and according to BioWare’s Brenon Holmes, that is very much the case.

On a Reddit thread, a user posed the very same question, asking if the reveal trailer was representative even now of the game’s current, actual build, and Holmes replied that it was indeed, and that EA and BioWare would be showing proof for the same pretty soon. Hopefully this means there’s going to be another trailer for the game in the near future- maybe at E3?

In the same thread, another user asked another question that was a little different in nature, but still quite interesting. Holmes was asked about something more related to the in-game lore, about how the in-game mech suits (known as Javelines) work in terms of their mechanics and essentially how their drivers, well, fit into them.

“When you’re in a Javelin you’re sort of kneeling,” Holmes responded. “Your foot rests in the first joint up from the Javelin’s ankle. The compression in the leg from the extra joint is what allows for the Javelins to have a lot of the explosive power in their movement.”

Anthem is slated for launch in 2019 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more updates on the game.

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