Anthem- Friendly Fire, Javelin Personalization, and More Detailed

And no, the game will not have a battle royale mode.

EA and Bioware’s Anthem is currently, for some reason, one of the most anticipated upcoming games at the moment. Which also means that the developers end up getting a lot of questions online about the various aspects of the game. A lot of that may have to do with the unique spins Bioware is putting on the genre- while Anthem looks to follow in the vein of Destiny and The Division, it will also be adding its own unique take on a lot of genre conventions.

For instance, speaking on Twitter, Executive Producer Mark Darrah and Game Director Jonathan Warner confirmed that the game doesn’t have friendly fire. That in the end is good news, because it should lead to less griefing. They also confirmed that while players can be customized, the bulk of customization resources were put towards the Javelins, which they hope is what players will spend a lot of time on, too. Javelin customization includes a full color wheel.

New players can also conditionally join players who are playing end game content, based on what content exactly is being played- though I have no idea how Bioware will balance that for difficulty, they confimed that they will share more information about the game’s difficulty in general later. Finally, they also confirmed that the game will not have a battle royale mode.

So far, so good. I like what I am hearing, even if I have not liked what I have seen so far much. I want to see how Anthem comes along. Hopefully, Bioware can follow through on its promise. The game is due out next February for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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