Anthem Livestream Provides New Gameplay Footage of Storm, Interceptor

Lead producers Mike Gamble and Ben Irving also discuss gear, controls, and more.

BioWare’s Anthem received some new footage at Paris Games Week, but the development team hasn’t stopped there. Lead producers Mike Gamble and Ben Irving streamed some of the game last night, true to their earlier promise, while also answering few questions. You can watch the stream VOD here, courtesy of Twitch.

Along with more gameplay of the Storm and Interceptor exosutios, both sporting custom paint jobs, we got to see their abilities in action. Storm’s Ultimate, consisting of three meteors, looked great. We also learned about the three key commands (LB, RB, and LB+RB for Xbox One players), with different gameplay choices for each. Those on a controller should have a relatively decent experience.

Anthem is currently scheduled to release on February 22nd, 2019 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. It’s currently in alpha stage and will have demo on February 1st, 2019 for those who pre-order the game, along with Origin/EA Access subscribers. If you subscribe to Origin Access Premier, then you can play the full game early on PC.

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