Anthem Livestream Showcases Cosmetic Customization, Including Materials, Paint, Emotes, and More

Players will have eight points of interaction for personalizing each Javelin.

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BioWare’s Anthem received another livestream recently, featuring lead producer Ben Irving, as the game’s cosmetic customization and personalization options were showcased. Various options, like a more intuitive UI for customization, and having eight different points of interaction on each Javelin suit, were highlighted. Check out the 45 minute stream below.

It’s actually interesting to see how the developer is handling the possible personalization. There are cosmetic and armour variations for Legs, Arms, Helmets, and Chest Plates. Players can also toggle State of Wear and whether the Javelin will look degraded or not. Paint Schemes and Vinyls, the former allowing for additional layers on top of paint jobs, are also included.

Of course, there’s also the standard emotes, victory poses, and landing animations. Furthermore, when painting a Javelin, you have to take the material of the region – whether it’s hard or soft – into consideration. This could lead to variations in the Javelin’s look, like a cape that’s metal brushed. State of Wear is also dependent on the material of the region selected.

That’s only scratching the surface though. The entire stream is definitely worth a look for those concerned about cosmetics and vanity options. As for the game itself, it’s out on February 22nd, 2019 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. A demo will be available on February 1st, 2019 for those with pre-orders and subscriptions to EA/Origin Access.

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