Anthem’s Legendary Contracts Offer “Repeatable, Dynamic” Endgame Content – BioWare

Lead producer Michael Gamble says these Contracts will be "hella difficult".

BioWare has showcased quite a few details for Anthem, from how the loot and gearing work to the Strongholds that players will invade throughout the game. While they can’t firmly say how long the story will be, the endgame seems to be shaping up decently. Lead producer Michael Gamble recently offered some information on Legendary Contracts and how they fit in with the endgame.

Responding to a fan’s query on Twitter, Gamble said that Legendary Contracts are “repeatable, dynamic, endgame content which takes you out into the world to satisfy certain objectives. They are hella difficult.” In comparison to this, non-Legendary Contracts “are given to you earlier as an attempt to train you,” said Gamble.

These sound somewhat like the randomly generated Investigations in Monster Hunter World. Along with a target Monster, there would be specific conditions and time limits to keep in mind with rewards scaling accordingly. While Anthem’s system could offer a more traditional Bounty system a la Destiny (kill X number of enemies, for instance), it remains to be seen how “dynamic” they could actually be. Anthem is out on February 22nd, but there will be a VIP Access demo by January end for those with pre-orders and subscribers of EA/Origin Access.

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