Apex Legends Already Top Viewed Game on Twitch

Apex Legends seems to have gone off to a roaring start, if nothing else.

Apex Legends went live earlier today, and it seems the whole stealth launch gambit may have paid off well for it. Just hours after launch, it seems like it is already the most viewed game on Twitch, with over 340,000 viewers (a peak earlier today was 495,000 viewers).

Currently, Apex Legends is ahead of Fortnite, League of Legends, DOTA 2, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and more mainstays on Twitch. Games frequently do well on Twitch at launch, and the true challenge will be to see whether or not Apex Legends can sustain this level of interest and community—but the sheer exposure from having some of the biggest streamers on the planet broadcasting a game on the day of launch should be enough to get people interested in trying it out themselves. It being free is even better.

Given that for now, Apex Legends is all we will see from the Titanfall universe, it’s best to hope it sees some success, so we can maybe hope for full-fledged Titanfall 3 one day. That said, it should be interesting to see if it can get to challenging Fortnite any time soon.

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