Apex Legends Confirmed, Reveal Stream Starts At 8 AM PST

Respawn's Vince Zampella promises to "tell you everything about Apex Legends. Everything."

Titanfall 2Titanfall 2

Rumours were running rampant over the weekend about Respawn Entertainment revealing and releasing free-to-play Titanfall battle royale game called Apex Legends today. Respawn CEO Vince Zampella took to Twitter and confirmed that Apex Legends is, indeed, a thing. A reveal stream will be starting at 8 AM PT today on Twitch.

“Our stream starts at 8am pt and we’ll tell you everything about Apex Legends. Everything.” Zampella did clarify in a later tweet that the stream will start at 8 AM PST, but the full reveal would take place at noon. At least there’s one developer that doesn’t want us waiting around almost an entire day for a reveal.

Apex Legends will be a battle royale title as per rumours, but it won’t have Titanfall’s signature mechs. That means Pilots will be duking it out for supremacy, which isn’t too bad, considering that Pilots-only PvP modes have existed in previous games. How will this fit within the context of battle royale? Since it’s free-to-play, what will the monetization look like? Stay tuned for more information in the coming hours.

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