Apex Legends – Season 10: Emergence Receives New Trailer Ahead of Imminent Launch

A new animated trailer gives puts the spotlight on Seer, the upcoming new Legend blessed with the powers of microdrones and an “artist’s eye”.

At EA Play Live, Respawn Entertainment’s evergreen battle royale shooter Apex Legends took the stage to give us a glimpse at what the game’s next season has in store for us. Season 10: Emergence is due out in just a couple of weeks, and EA has revealed a launch trailer for it, putting the spotlight on new Legend, Seer, and what makes him so unique.

Season 10: Emergence is bringing plenty of new stuff to the table. On top of Seer, players can also expect a new LMG, the Rampage, along with Ranked Arenas, which, of course, is something that Apex players will be quite thrilled about. Meanwhile, there is also going to be a new battle pass, as you’d expect. The map is also going to receive another overhaul.

Apex Legends is available on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Season 10: Emergence launches on August 3, and a new gameplay trailer focusing on Seer is going to debut on Monday, so stay tuned for that.

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