Apex Legends: Season 13 Trailer Showcases Newcastle’s Abilities and Ultimate

The "Heroic Defender" is all about defending his team, whether it's deploying a mobile shield or creating a fortified stronghold to fight from.

With Season 13 – Saviors just around the corner for Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends, it’s time to get a closer look at the abilities of its newest Legend. Newcastle is described as a “Heroic Defender” and focuses a lot on shields. Check out the latest trailer below which showcases his entire kit.

Mobile Shield is his Tactical Ability and involves throwing a drone that uses a moving energy shield to block damage. His Passive, Retrieve the Wounded, involves dragging and shielding allies when they’re downed. Finally, there’s his Ultimate, Castle Wall, which sees Newcastle leaping to an ally or area and slamming down, deploying a stronghold.

This also allows for setting up a fortified position on high ground and fending off against enemies while the ring shrinks. For more details on origins, check out the latest “Stories from the Outlands” video here. Apex Legends: Season 13 – Saviors begins on May 10th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC and Nintendo Switch.

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