Apex Legends Season 4 Gameplay Trailer Sees World’s Edge in Chaos

Revenant's abilities, the Sentinel, and new cybernetic skins also showcased.

It’s finally here – Respawn Entertainment has debuted the gameplay trailer for Apex Legends Season 4: Assimilation. Along with showcasing Revenant, the newest Legend, it also showcases the reason why he’s in the Apex Games. Hammond Robotics is harvesting resources in World’s Edge, and it’s causing all kinds of mayhem.

The wrecked surroundings of the map are a far cry from the semi-idyllic settings of before. Nonetheless, combat continues, aided by the new Sentinel bolt-action sniper rifle which charges up and fires slow powerful shots but can also deal out quicker, less damaging rounds. Revenant’s abilities are also interesting, as he can seemingly toss out of an orb to tether enemies together.

Apex Legends Season 4: Assimilation goes live today, so expect patch notes on weapon changes, possible Legend changes and more. Ranked play is also seeing a number of adjustments, including the return of King’s Canyon. Stay tuned for more details, and scope out some of the new skins below.

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