Apex Legends Server Patch Slightly Nerfs Charge Rifle

The weapon requires three ammo per shot, but damage changes are still unknown.

Respawn Entertainment kicked off Season 3 of Apex Legends with a lot of new content. There’s a new map, a new Legend in Crypto and new Battle Pass. The developer even recently added nifty new Halloween event with its own unique take on Infection called Shadowfall. However, it also brought the Charge Rifle.

Titanfall fans will remember the Charge Rifle as being a potent one-hit kill weapon but requiring a decent charge time. The Apex Legends variant isn’t as lethal but it charges faster and is much easier to lead targets. Respawn has deployed server patch to reign in the weapon, but ever so slightly.

Three Energy Ammo is now required per shot. The amount of additional ammo gained from Extended Mag has also changed, ranging from 12 Ammo (4 shots) at level 1 to 18 Ammo (6 shots) at level 3. Damage has been slightly nerfed as per Reddit user OtaK (going from 50 to 45 along with 3 damage per tick) but Respawn has yet to provide hard numbers on damage dropoff or changes.

Otherwise, the update is quite sparse, providing quips during the Drop Ship and a fix for the Initial Circle so that players won’t get caught outside when it starts. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.

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