ARK Survial Evolved Guide: The Best Tips And Tricks To Master The Game

Some general tips to get you started.

ARK: Survival Evolved is a survival game, and like the best survival games, it has a lot of moving pieces that you need to keep track of if you are to do well and master the game. That’s where we come in- in this guide, we share some general tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of your time with the game.

  • Your dinosaurs’ stamina will only go down if you have mounted them- if you want to get somewhere quickly with your dino, the best bet is to get off it, and let it follow you itself
  • Do not keep attacking when you are out of stamina- you could pass out
  • If you run out of stamina, stop moving, and crouch or lay low to the ground to regain it
  • You can also regain stamina using Stimberries (though these will make your thirst meter go up in turn)
  • Generally speaking, don’t jump a lot while moving- that drains your stamina faster
  • Cloth armor is highly effective against hot weather
  • Switch on damage overlays- this can tell you which enemies might be easiest to take down (anything with a lot of blood is closer to death)
  • You can inflict more damage during archery by pulling back the arrow further
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