Assassins Creed 2 could have Multiplayer?

According to Vincent Pontbriand, associate producer for Assassin’s Creed, the team might be bringing DLC, or perhaps a Multiplayer:

“There are plans for DLC, but I am not allowed to talk about it, but it’s something that creates longevity.”


As he states, they don’t have any plans for DLC, but then he says that he can’t talk about it, but anything could change.

But the reason that this article is about the game having multiplayer is the word at the end of his comment, longevity.

Longevity, what feature comes to mind when you think about this word?

Exactly, Multiplayer.  If the team is thinking of bringing logevity to AC2, this will either be a future DLC, much like Resident Evil 5’s Versus Mode, Or perhaps maybe a Multiplayer Mode included in the game, but we here are thinking of Online Co-Op, which is the most reasonble Multiplayer mode for this game.

Maybe there will be a Co-Op mode where there are 2 Assassins, or perhaps more playing online together, and the idea will be on who will kill the target first, both teams or seperate players will have to compete with each other through sword battles and speed runs on who will reach and eliminate the target or complete the mission, but thats just what came to my mind, what are your thoughts?

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