Assassin’s Creed 3: ‘Battle Hardened’ multiplayer DLC pack details

Seasons Pass owners can download it without additional charge.

Ubisoft has released some new details for the Assassin’s Creed 3: Battle Hardened map pack and it features a lot of interesting things.

We also have the pricing details for the same and if you have the seasons pass you don’t have to buy it because you already paid for it. That’s how it works I think.

If you don’t have a seasons pass you can buy it for 800 MSP and it will be available on January 8 for the Xbox 360, and on January 9th and 15th respectively for the PS3 and PC.

Here are the details of the characters and the map pack.

Three New Characters 

The influential Governor
The resilient Highlander
The fearsome Coyote Man

Three New Maps (for use in standard MP and Wolfpack modes) 

The lush, tropical environment of Saint Pierre
The moody, atmospheric stronghold of Fort St-Mathieu
The embattled, enflamed Boston neighborhood of Charlestown

Meanwhile you can read our review of the game here. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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