Assassin’s Creed 3: Connor has “5000 new animations”, Desmond “will be terrific”

Trying to reward gamers who've stuck with them since the first game.

Desmond was a character with a severe personality deficit when he was introduced in the first Assassin’s Creed game and he was slowly built into something that gamers can relate to. In Assassin’s Creed 3, Desmond will finally be a terrific payoff for gamers who stuck through all the AC games released so far and know his backstory well, Ubisoft’s Alex Hutchinson told EDGE.

“He’s this guy who’s a bit of a nobody when it starts out, and gets new abilities through reliving the lives of his ancestors,” he said.

“So we’ve built this guy up over the course of the games, and I really believe that we can pay that off, and in retrospect he’ll be terrific. I don’t think anyone really liked Luke Skywalker in [Star Wars] A New Hope, but by the end of his character arc, this journey that he goes through, makes him amazing.

“We’re really trying to pay off the investment of the people who’ve been with the franchise since Assassin’s Creed 1, or even just somewhere in the middle, to make this guy cool,” he added. “But at the same time [we] acknowledge those who are just playing Assassin’s Creed III.

“We catch you up on where he’s been pretty quickly, and it absolutely works as a standalone game, but the full payoff will be for those who’ve been with us since the start.”

There are also going to be 5000 new animations, EDGE reports. They also say that when played end to end it would last an hour. Animations are usually streamed from the disc, sort of like Uncharted 2’s where Drake can do a lot of things depending on the situation. It was all streamed via the disc according to Naughty Dog.

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