Assassin’s Creed Mirage Shows off Stealth, Assassinations, and Parkour in New Gameplay Walkthrough

Ubisoft has also released a new story trailer for the action-adventure title, which is due out for PC and consoles this October. assassin's creed mirage,
assassin's creed mirageassassin's creed mirage

With its promise of an Assassin’s Creed game that will drop the series’ open world action RPG format and deliver a game more focused on stealth, parkour, and other classic elements of the franchiseAssassin’s Creed Mirage is a game that a great many series fans have had their eye on for a while. It has continued to look increasingly promising with each of its recent showings, and recently, at Ubisoft Forward, Ubisoft premiered another hefty gameplay walkthrough for the title.

The gameplay demonstration begins with Basim stealthily taking out foes in classic Assassin fashion, before then disappearing into the crowd and slipping through his pursuers’ fingers with a string of parkour moves. He enters a bureau of the Hidden Ones, where he is debriefed about his next mission.

After heading out, Basim uses his eagle to survey his next target and the area he needs to infiltrate. What follows showcases plenty of mechanics and features that fans of classic instalments will find plenty familiar, including Eagle Vision, hiding in haystacks, getting information from NPCs, and more.

Basum goes on to use a variety of stealth tools and abilities, liking a blow dart to send an enemy unconscious to the ground and a firecracker to distract an enemy. There are also plenty of up-close-and-personal assassinations in there, parkour gameplay, and more.

After getting eyes on his target, Basim proceeds to make his way to him, before using a move that lets him quickly assassinate three foes in quick succession without anyone taking note. The gameplay demonstration showcases what the planning and execution aspects of the game will look like, from preparing for an assassination to carrying out to then fleeing the scene and disappearing into the crowd.

Meanwhile, Ubisoft has also revealed a new story trailer for the game. You can check out the trailer and the gameplay walkthrough below.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage is due out on October 12 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Expect more details on the game in the coming weeks, with a couple of behind-the-scenes development videos also in the pipeline.

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