Batman: Arkham Origins Multiplayer is “Consistent with Arkhamverse”, Not Tacked On

So no, it's not meant to just appeal to multiplayer fans.

Developer Splash Damage is responsible for working on the multiplayer component of Batman: Arkham Origins. It allows for teams of human gangs to face each other while also taking on Batman and Robin. Creative director Alastair Cornish addressed concerns of the mode being tacked on or inconsistent with the Arkham universe with Official Xbox Magazine.

“It’s something that we bore in mind; there can often be cynicism in some quarters – not in others – about this. And I think the two things that are very important to stress there are – these are being developed in parallel, so the single player is being developed by Warner Bros. Montreal, with no kind of interference or distraction from Splash Damage, who have been purely creating the multiplayer component. It’s the same disc and it’s a component of the same product, but neither one has distracted or detracted from the other.

“And we’ve worked together to ensure consistency of tone, because they’re the same Arkhamverse and in the same fictional window. So that was the first thing – if it’s the same team doing both, then I think it’s a bit more understandable that people have reservations, to be like ‘well hold on, can’t those guys be making me more single player levels instead?’ so it was important that there were two separate studios, both playing to their strengths.”

Cornish also stated that the multiplayer wasn’t just a necessary evil solely to round out the overall package. “It wasn’t that at all; it was a discussion about, what would the natural growth of the franchise be like? And it’s a really cool premise! That simple premise of, hold on, what would invisible predator be like if you were stalking other human players? And again, not just gang members but elite gang members.

“So those kind of “what if” questions, the questions that we asked ourselves about how we could evolve that really strong pillar of the single player, just made sense and led to the fantastic asymmetrical gameplay that we’ve got now. And as, as I say, unique and distinct and worthwhile in itself. Because you’re right, no-one wanted it to feel like something that was tacked on or that took away from the single player at all, and I’m really happy that its developed the way that it is because that is absolutely not the case. It’s a distinct offering from a distinct studio.”

Batman: Arkham Origins releases worldwide on October 25th for PS3, Xbox 360, PC and Wii U.

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