Batman Arkham Origins: Senior Producer Explains Batman’s Personality In The Game

"We are going for a Batman, whom people are scared of. "

There has been a lot of mix reactions from Batman fans regarding how the next entry in the Arkham franchise will turn out to be. I too had my doubts about Batman Arkham Origins, but the more I hear and see about it, the more I think it will be one of the leading games of 2013.

Batman Arkham Origins tells the origin story of The Dark Knight. Senior producer of the game, Ben Matthes has shared some details regarding the personality of Batman in the game.

“We like to say it’s an early career Batman story. It takes place in about year two of his career. So he has been Batman for a couple of years. He knows how to fight, he has some gadgets. He has got a basic understanding of what it takes to be the masked vigilante he is but he has not really faced any true challenges yet, ” he said in an interview with Gamerhub.

He further states, “The challenges the assassins, the thugs and all of the rogue members who come up out of this woodwork and advance towards their nefarious goals. The challenges that all of that puts on Batman is unlike anything he has faced before. This forces him to change, to evolve and become something greater than he was at the onset of the game.”

He also reassures fans that they are not going for a naive Batman. This is the same Batman that will scare the hell out of his enemies.

“We are going for a Batman, whom people are scared of. The cops don’t know if he is real or not. The villains who have encountered him wished that they have never encountered and are scared to talk about him. We play that our via our narrative. We play that via the voice over obviously and let the people interact and react with his presence.”

Looks like they are not making too many changes and will stay true to the franchise, something that had happened when Rocksteady was at helm.

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