Battlefield 4: Second Assault Arriving First on Xbox One

Explosions, whee!

EA and DICE took the stage, with Patrick Soderlund announcing that Battlefield 4 would be coming to the Xbox One and running at 60 frames per second. After some interesting blunders on stage involving the mute function, a title card indicated that “Battlefield 4: Second Assault” would be coming to the Xbox One first.

A DLC pack that will be timed exclusive? Wouldn’t be the first time some one tried this, especially after the success of Call of Duty’s DLC deal with Microsoft.

Gameplay was also showcased, which had Tombstone Squad traversing a ship that didn’t waste any time getting torn apart. The scene itself is quite amazing – there are fighter jets situated on the deck just falling off as the ship crumbles. Sure, there hasn’t been much shooting to speak of, but pretty graphics! But seriously, the particle effects including rain and sparks need to be seen.

Stay tuned for more updates as the conference rolls on.

Update: We have added the new gameplay trailer.

battlefield 4DICEDLCe3 2013EAMicrosoftSecond AssaultXbox One