Battlefield 5: DICE Is Working On New Crash Landing Animations

DICE is working on new animations, more info at E3.

Battlefield V has been in the news quite a lot lately, what with its recent announcement and subsequent details being released on the game by DICE and EA. We have some more information on the game today, thanks to fan-site Battlefield Bulletin, about in-game fortifications, as well as new animations.

Firstly, DICE are working on including new animations for crash landings of planes and other air vehicles for the upcoming sequel, which is something that was also confirmed by franchise design director Daniel Berlin on Twitter. Additionally, it also seems like players in Battlefield V will be able to build makeshift fortifications by using shovels to dig holes in some specific places in surfaces.

Battlefield V is scheduled for launch later this year for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC, but before that, we expect EA will be revealing major new information on the game at E3 in about a week. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for all updates.

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