Battlefield 5 – How To Unlock Rare Skins And Dominate Conquest Mode

Some tips and tricks for Battlefield 5.

In Battlefield 5, you can unlock skins for yourself by playing through the game’s many modes. There is also, additionally, the Conquest mode, which is a very interesting take on the Capture the Flag concept. In this guide, we cover both.


To unlock Rare skins, all you need to do is reach Level 5, which unlocks weapon proficiency challenges. Select these in the Assignment tab, and complete them to unlock Rare skins.

Epic skins (which are also called Gold skins) are a bit different. You need to max out the level of your weapon (that is, take it up to Level 10), and unlock Mastery Challenges. Once you do this, complete them from the Assignments tab, and you will get a Gold piece for the set. There are six pieces, and therefore six to unlock.


Conquest Mode is a Capture the Flag mode, but there are definitely some special strategies to keep in mind:

  • Scouts can be used to keep an eye out for enemy’s movements. If you are playing as a Scout, make sure to work with your team.
  • Vehicles can be very powerful in this mode. If you see any on the map, take control of it immediately.
  • Play the damn objective. Do not worry about getting kills, just focus on getting the flags
  • Revive fallen team members. Remember, fallen team members can lead to ticket losses, so get on it as soon as you see one.
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