Battlefield 5 Teaser Reveals Some Interesting New Information

Are you ready to get your boots back on the ground?

Yesterday the new teaser trailer from EA and DICE dropped several hints as to what Battlefield V has in store. The most obvious and critical evidence being the flags seen at the top of the frame in the teaser, one of which is the infamous German Iron Cross symbol, which means we can expect to be back in World War II taking on some of gaming’s second favourite cannon fodder, Nazis. 

The goggles seen on the character in frame are also unmistakably from the era, closing the book on those now confirmed rumours that the game is in WWII. The layout of the UI also suggests potential changes to how modes or squads could work, but instead of speculating, stick to Gamingbolt, who will have the full story for you when the game is revealed properly on Wednesday.

Battlefield 5 launches this year for the PS4, Xbox One and PC. What are your thoughts on these minor details? Let us know in the comments below.

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