Battlefield Hardline Is Most Popular On PS4, Beating Out Xbox One & PC

Some interesting stats revealed for Hardline.

As both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 continue to do battle in regards to units sold, there is at least a clear line in the sand when it comes to the preferred platform for playing Visceral Games latest title, Battlefield Hardline. According to statistics tracked by the P-Stats Network over a period of seven days, the PlayStation 4 has shown to have more than four times as many players actively playing the somewhat divisive cops vs robbers first person shooter.

Last week, somewhere around 800,000 players were playing Battlefield Hardline on PS4 while the Xbox One couldn’t make its way past 200,000 players. Surprisingly, the PS4 build of the game even has a higher constant player-base than the PC version.

This is actually somewhat surprising given that the game was advertised equally on both consoles, with no one platform, be it PS4, Xbox One or PC, being given an advantage. What this holds for the future of the series, remains unclear. Keep in mind that this was simply in the space of one week.

Thanks, PS4Daily.

Battlefield: HardlineDICEEApcps4visceral gamesXbox One