Become a Bungie Beta Tester for Secret Project

The next Bungie game could be anything, according to Joystiq, it’s going to be “casual, monster-collecting/kart-racing/trivia/MMA fighting game”.  I’m sensing sarcasm, anyway you can actually get in on being a beta tester for the next Bungie game that is sure to be kept secret for quite some time.  You will need to navigate on over to the Bungie site and login first.  Then you will need to edit your profile, checking off receive ‘Updates on how to become a Bungie Beta Tester’.  Easy enough, but not all that apply will be beta testing the still announced Bungie game that we have no information on whatsoever, but it doesn’t hurt if your a die hard Bunige fan.
Bungie Beta Tester Intstructions
Halo Reach – Accolades Trailer

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