Beyond Good and Evil 2 Cinematic Trailer Sees Jade Return

The protagonist of the first game is back in a different role.

Ubisoft kicked off its E3 2018 presser with Beyond Good and Evil 2 (let’s forget Just Dance 2019 ever happened). The cinematic trailer offered a look at the various characters and while the game is a prequel to the first game, it ends with Jade. That seems to be Jade from the first game but younger and way more dangerous (if the bloody katana didn’t offer many clues).

Along with discussing the important role she plays, Ubisoft announced a behind closed doors demo for one of the game’s location. We also got to see some pre-alpha footage that promises seamless transitions between space combat and close quarters fighting. The location looks good though again, it’s still early.

Ubisoft also announced an open invitation for players across the world to send in their original content, from murals to street art and music. Oddly enough, the developer is teaming up with Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s company HitRecord to achieve this. Check out more on that below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Beyond Good and Evil 2E3 2018pcps4UbisoftXbox One